Friedman, SarahStekr, DelaneyCofer, KobeyRitten, Sarah2021-03-042021-03-042020 completed by students enrolled in PA 5311: Program Evaluation, taught by Professor Emily Kalnicky in Fall 2020.This project was completed as part of a partnership between CapitolRiver District Council and the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project ( The goal of this project was to identify how wayfinding in Downtown Saint Paul can be enhanced to contribute to vibrant and connected communities, activated streetscapes, and economic resilience. CapitolRiver District Council project lead Jon Fure collaborated with students in Professor Emily Kalnicky’s course, PA 5311: Program Evaluation, to create an evaluation plan that assesses how City of St. Paul zoning codes and ordinances impact the current wayfinding system, and identifies legislative opportunities CRC could advocate for to improve wayfinding. A final student report and presentation are available. A videorecording of the students' final presentation is also available at governmentsustainabilityResilient Communities Project, 2020-2021CapitolRiver District Council: Wayfinding Program Evaluation PlanPresentation