Campbell, John BChun, Ki-Taek2010-09-132010-09-131977Campbell, John B & Chun, Ki-taek. (1977). Inter-inventory predictability and content overlap of the 16 PF and the CPI. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1, 51-63.doi:10.1177/014662167700100112 scale on the 16 PF and the CPI was predicted from the scales on the other inventory using both standard and stepwise multiple regression (N = 241 undergraduates). The discrepancy between the predictabilities obtained by these two methods was minimal. The cross-validational shrinkage of the stepwise regression predictabilities, when examined by both the conventional and the McNemar methods, was quite small. The mean predictability was .63 for the 16 PF and .64 for the CPI. Four 16 PF and five CPI scales were "highly predictable," while four 16 PF and three CPI scales were essentially non-predictable. Seven scales from each inventory appeared to have counterparts in the other inventory. Thus, despite major differences in philosophy and strategy of construction, the overall predictability remained the same whether the 16 PF scales were predicted from the CPI scales or vice versa. Furthermore, the pattern of predictabilities suggested a substantial overlap between the 16 PF "Adjustment vs. Anxiety" and CPI "Adjustment" factors, and between the 16 PF "Introversion vs. Extroversion" and CPI "Extroversion" factors.Inter-inventory predictability and content overlap of the 16 PF and the CPI.Article