Stern, RaphaelLevin, Michael W.Kiani, Amirhossein2024-11-202024-11-202024-10 (MP) traffic signal control is a new and innovative control algorithm that uses upstream and downstream vehicle counts to determine signal timing that maximizes throughput. While this method has been extensively tested in simulation, it has not yet been tested on actual traffic signals in the US. To close this gap, this report presents the results of the development of a hardware-in-the-loop traffic signal testbed where microsimulation is used to simulate realistic traffic conditions, and the MP algorithm is used to control the signal display using a traffic controller (Q-Free MaxTime controller). The hardware-in-the-loop results demonstrate that MP can be safely deployed on North American traffic signal control hardware.Traffic signal control systemsHardware in the loop simulationMicrosimulationTraffic signal timingToward implementation of max-pressure control on Minnesota roads: Phase 2Report