Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement2007-09-042007-09-041998-05 evaluation and the preparation of this report were authorized by the Minnesota State Board of Education. The final report includes findings that were published in a December 1996 interim report and additional findings regarding student academic performance that required multiple data collection episodes to look at change over time. This report was written by Cheryl Lange, Camilla Lehr, Patricia Seppanen, and Mary Sinclair. Karen Seashore Louis contributed to the formulation of conclusions. Jim Ysseldyke consulted on the assessment of student performance and the reporting of assessment data. Lisa Ahlberg, Jo Coleman, Sara Danforth, Verna Simmons, and Sharon Sundre assisted in data collection and analysis. Geoff Maruyama served as principal investigator, providing general direction and oversight. Patricia Seppanen served as project director and Cheryl Lange coordinated the assessment of student performance. Abby Weiss, from the Institute for Responsive Education in Boston, reviewed the comparative analysis of Minnesota charter legislation for factual accuracy.An evaluation team from the University of Minnesota was selected to complete an 18-month study in February 1996 by the Minnesota State Board of Education. The evaluation was to focus on three policy questions regarding Minnesota charter schools, 1) are Minnesota charter schools doing what they were designed to do; 2) are charter schools improving student achievement; and 3) are charter schools successful? This is the interim report completed in December 1996 and presented to the Board in early 1997.en-UScharter schoolsschool structures and servicesstudent achievementMinnesota Charter Schools Evaluation, Final ReportReport