Schmidt, Amy Dannielle2011-08-312011-08-312011-07 of Minnesota M.S. thesis. July 2011. Major: Applied and computational mathematics. Advisor: Professor John R. Greene. 1 computer file (PDF); v, 47 pages, appendix A.Condensation, developed by Charles Dodgson, is an uncommon method for calculating the determinant of a matrix. It is generally considered to be numerically unstable due to its iterative nature. While we do not attempt to prove whether or not the algorithm is stable, we conduct a qualitative stability analysis. We compare the algorithm's performance to that of row reduction on contrived and random matrices. We test two modified condensation algorithms for 3#2;3 and 4#2;4 matrices, which we include in our comparisons as well. We also briefly investigate the relationship between the condition number of a matrix and the performance of these algorithms when used to calculate its determinant.en-USApplied and computational mathematicsDodgson's determinant: a qualitative analysisThesis or Dissertation