Blanco-Ruiz, GabrielDavison, SamGomez, Andres2021-12-272021-12-272021-12 microbiome, generally regarded as the collection of microbes (bacteria, archaea, viruses, protozoa and fungi) inhabiting the human body, plays indispensable roles in physiology. However, the vast majority of current literature concerns the compositions and dynamics of the bacterial component, with the fungal fraction receiving considerably less attention. Commensal and pathogenic bacteria play an important role in human and animal physiology and health, but the fungal component of the microbiome (the mycobiome), also plays a determining role in the physiological landscape of humans and animals. Multiple factors are known to affect and contribute to the composition of the gut mycobiome. Diet is key among these as the primary mode of gastrointestinal inoculation is through ingestion. I evaluated shotgun metagenome sequence read archive data to elucidate the composition of the Chinese gut mycobiome. High plasticity and variation was found.enMining World Gut Metagenomes for Trends in Human Mycobiome CompositionPresentation