Gilman, JaneneDanes, SharonBauer, Jean W.Lovett, KathleenRettig, Kathryn D.Stumme, PatriciaStoppa-Godoy, Patricia2009-05-282009-05-282003Gilman, J., Danes, S., Bauer, J., Lovett, K., Rettig, K., Stumme, P., Stoppa-Godoy, P. 2003. Padres Para Siempre: Divorcio y dinero. University of Minnesota Extension Service Bulletin BU-08016. pages. This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: of a series of 4 books for Spanish-speaking parents used in PADRES PARA SIEMPRE or PARENTS FOREVER classes. Discusses the effects a change in income has on the lives of divorcing parents. Provides tools to track household spending patterns, set new money goals, and plan a new budget based on current circumstances. For divorcing or separated parents who speak Spanish.esdivorceparent educationPadres Para Siempre: Divorcio y dineroParents Forever: Divorce and moneyNewsletter or Bulletin