2013-06-112013-06-112003-07Nature, society, and thought, Vol. 16, No. 3 (July 2003)0890-6130https://hdl.handle.net/11299/150742ARTICLES: Renzo Llorente, Maurice Cornforth’s Contribution to Marxist Metaethics. Danny Goldstick, Applying Dialectical Materialism. Christian Fuchs, The Self-Organization of Matter. Erwin Marquit, Engels on Motion: A Comment. MARXIST FORUM: Tetsuzo Fuwa, Report on Revision of Program of the Japanese Communist Party. BOOK REVIEWS: Ralph Dumain, Reactionary Philosophy and Ambiguous Aesthetics in the Revolutionary Politics of Herbert Marcuse—A Review Essay. Stephan Lieske, James Hanley: Modernism and the Working Class, by John Fordham. Eric R. Jackson, Walkin’ the Talk: An Anthology of African American Studies, edited by Vernon D. Johnson and Bill Lyne. ABSTRACTS OF ARTICLES (in English and French).enNature, society, and thought: a journal of dialectical and historical materialism, Volume 16, Number 3 (July 2003)NSTNewsletter or Bulletin