Eck, Daniel JGeyer, Charles JCook, R. Dennis2018-02-162016-03-232018-02-162016-03-23 first four files are the same technical report saved in the pdf, Rnw, txt, and tex formats. The pdf file is compiled from the source file (Rnw). The txt file is the archival version of the source file (Rnw). The tex file is the intermediary output when the source file (Rnw) is run in R (version>=2.10.0) and serves as an archival version for the compiled source file. The procedures of boostrapping and model selections were performed in R and the output in the R workspace are stored in RData files. The RData files are loaded into the technical report (pdf) as it is being compiled from the source file. The csv file contains data from the Lowry and Willis (2010) research. It has observed characteristics on 2313 Mimulus guttatus flowers. These data are used to illustrate the second example in the technical report.This dataset contains the technical report that provides supporting data analysis for the paper "An Application of Envelope Methodology and Aster Models". R package "knitr" processes the source file (Rnw) and incorporates the information in the R workspace (RData) files to compile the technical report (pdf). This process reproduces all the tables and figures from the paper and hence the entire data analysis reported in the paper. The tabulated data (csv) came from Lowry, D.B. and Willis, J.H. (2010) and is used to demonstrate the envelope methodology.Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States Data Analysis for "Combining Envelope Methodology and Aster Models for Variance Reduction in Life History Analyses"Dataset