Sorensen, Lincoln2020-10-262020-10-262020-08 of Minnesota M.S. thesis.August 2020. Major: Mathematics. Advisor: Dalibor Froncek. 1 computer file (PDF); iii, 34 pages.A $\Gamma$-supermagic group edge labeling of a graph $G(V,E)$ with $|E|=g$ is an injection from $E$ to an Abelian group of order $g$ such that the sum of labels of all incident edges of every vertex $v \in V$ is equal to the same element $\gamma \in \Gamma$. We develop methods for labeling the products of two cycles $C_m \square C_n$ using a variety of external direct products of Abelian groups.enAbstract AlgebraGammaGraph TheoryGraphsLabelingSupermagicGamma-Supermagic Labeling The Products of Two CyclesThesis or Dissertation