Minitex2012-09-202012-09-202007-07-09 of Contents includes: Minitex Receives $1.25 Million Annual Base Budget Increase; Bill DeJohn Wins U of MN President's Award for Outstanding Service; Carla Dewey Urban Leaving her Full-time Position; Survey Shows Overall Agreement with ILL Policies; In My Opinion, Technological Diversity & Challenge; Public Library Node Meeting Set for August 17; Information from Ex Libris User Group and ILL Conference Available on Web; ALCTS Recognizes Edward Swanson and Bobby Bothmann; Minitex and the OCLC Members Council; Former U of MN Librarian and Minitex Supporter Dies; News From the Minitex Region; New Executive Director for SDLN and MnPALS; U of MN Libraries Joins Google Book Search Project; Directorship Changes at Minitex Libraries; MnDOT Librarian Featured in SLA Publication; Legislative Round-up for Minnesota and North Dakota.enMinitex MESSENGER (July 9, 2007 : volume 24, number 3)Newsletter or Bulletin