University of Minnesota. Academic Health Center2007-11-092007-11-092003-05-07 are, essentially, three phases to the strategic facility planning process. The first phase is called the assessment or discovery phase. During this phase, the planning effort is focused on conducting a comprehensive examination of the school’s current programmatic and facility resources. Working within the School of Public Health’s four academic divisions plus the Dean’s administrative office, and their respective departments, the planning team is responsible for examining the school’s current research, educational and administrative programs and for understanding what space, in terms of quality and quantity, is now assigned to these areas. This evaluation also includes a review of how the School of Public Health delivers education and research across departmental lines. In this phase, the planning team explores what works and doesn’t work in terms of the facilities being able to support the work of these units and will attempt to understand how the facilities could be improved given current programmatic goals. Simultaneously, the AHC Office of Facilities has conducted a physical evaluation of the school’s space.en-USAcademic Health CenterFacilitiesSchool of Public HealthPlanningDiscovery Phase Summary and Strategic Modeling Phase Summary: Proposed Consolidation for the School of Public HealthReport