The Tower: The University of Minnesota's Art and Literary Magazine2020-12-012020-12-012020-04-28 (51:50). Season 1 Episode 3. Our Fiction Editors - Annie Zheng, Chief Fiction Editor, Marketing Director; Claire Breitenbach, Fiction Editor, Copyeditor, Designer, ArtWords Judge; Jacob Aranyos, Fiction Editor, Designer; Kimberly Xayaroun, Fiction Editor, Publicist, ArtWords Judge; Shae Kizima, Fiction Editor, Online Editor. Our Featured Art Editors - Rylee Gag, Chief Art Editor, Designer, Publicist; Cate Tynjala, Art Editor, Editor in Chief. Featured Contributors - Cate Miller, Emily Heilman, Keng Xiong, J.T. Cunningham, Megan Lange.As Fiction Editors, we’re fascinated by the unusual, the subversive, and the revelatory. In hopes of pushing new dialogues, we’re interested in the stories that make us question ourselves and the unspoken rules around us." - Annie Zheng, Chief Fiction Editor, Marketing DirectorenThe Tower 2020: FictionAudio