Vasquez, Charles R.2009-04-292009-04-292009-04-08 contributors: Eugena P. Mitchell, Jiva G. Dimova, Jonathan C. Gewirtz (faculty mentor)Environmental cues, such as odors, associated with withdrawal can motivate drug use. Withdrawal following a single dose of opiate produces an elevation of the acoustic startle reflex, indicating a state of anxiety. Odors associated with aversive stimuli potentiate startle, and odors associated with pleasurable stimuli attenuate startle. The purpose of this study was to examine if odors paired with withdrawal from acute morphine can elevate anxiety in the rat.en-USCollege of Biological SciencesNeuroscienceCollege of Liberal ArtsDepartment of PsychologyCenter for Neurobehavioral DevelopmentThe Effect of Odor Cues Associated with Acute Morphine WithdrawalPresentation