Johnson, CurtisCitistates Group2007-08-082007-08-082003-05-01CTS 03-02 "Synthesis" report offers an overview of the key findings from five years of research into the relationship between Transportation and Regional Growth. The study's sponsors see this body of research as a springboard for a wider public discussion about the policy alternatives facing this region. These research findings and implications should stimulate fresh coverage of the issues by the media and a better-informed debate among elected and appointed public officials at all levels. Advocacy groups will find no silver bullets with which to arm their push for preferred solutions, but every group interested in better transportation and land-use policy will find a body of facts and analysis that will change the way the region considers its future choices. This publications serves as a starting point for that discussion.52Transportation and Regional Growth StudyMarket Choices and Fair Prices: Research Suggests Surprising Answers to Regional Growth Dilemmas