Geer, Sam2019-06-122019-06-122009 Montrose has recently experienced significant residential growth, and a corresponding demand for local commercial goods and services. To promote economic development and assist with business recruitment and retention, the Montrose Economic Development Authority (EDA) identified a need to improve the aesthetics and functionality of the existing commercial area along U.S. Trunk Highway 12, a primary gateway to and major corridor through the community. Accordingly, the city council and EDA created a 15-member Highway 12 Redevelopment Committee in July 2008 to begin planning for short-term and long-term improvements to enhance the roadway. The corridor consists of approximately 35 structures with a variety of architectural styles, building heights, setbacks, and exterior building materials. A graduate student in landscape architecture assisted planning consultants from Municipal Development Group and members of the task force in developing architectural and design standards for the corridor and preparing illustrations for a future form-based zoning ordinance for the corridor. The standards were incorporated as Exhibit I in the City of Montrose Highway 12 Redevelopment Plan, recently approved by the city council.enArchitectureCommunity Growth Options (U-CGO)Community Growth Planning Assistance Center (CGPAC)Design StandardsLand UseLocal GovernmentsPlanningCity of Montrose Highway 12 Redevelopment Plan - Exhibit I: Design StandardsReport