Schneider, Ingrid E.Qian, Xinyi2014-11-122014-11-122014Schneider, Ingrid; Qian, Xinyi. (2014) Minnesota Tourism Industry Perceptions of Invasive Species and Their Control. University of Minnesota Tourism Center. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy, 35. Invasive species include "…an alien (or non-native) species whose introduction does, or is likely to, cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health" (Executive Order 13112, 1999). Among other impacts, invasive species can change the physical environment upon which many tourism destinations and attractions depend. Subsequently, significant impacts could result from invasive species for the tourism industry. However, little research exists in this area or among industry professionals.Understanding tourism organizations’ perception of invasive species and the efficacy of efforts to control them is important for a variety of reasons, including prevention and mitigation.A 2013 questionnaire of the Minnesota tourism industry, in partnership with Explore Minnesota Tourism (EMT), assessed perceptions about invasive plants and aquatic invasive species and their control.enInvasive Speciestourism industryMinnesota Tourism Industry Perceptions of Invasive Species and Their ControlReport