Moussorlieva, Avrora2012-01-242012-01-242012-01-24 of Minnesota master's thesis. Fall 2011. Degree: Master of Liberal Studies. Advisor: David Shupe. 1 computer file (PDF)In this thesis, the Bulgarian martenitsa comes to be seen as an amulet - a sacred thread - historically connected with similar ones in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Armenia and the Hmong of Laos. They are all made of material that is not durable, and it is not likely to find them through archaeological excavations. Using a comparative method, I was able to prove their association with the ancient religion of the first farmers. The amulets are still used for one of their original functions, namely to bind together individual people and the community.en-USBulgariamartenitsasacred threadneolithic revolutionIndiaraksha bandhanHmongMartenitsa: The Sacred Thread that Connects the Bulgarians with the People of the Middle East and the Indian SubcontinentThesis or Dissertation