Larsen, Martin RGreen, Jeffrey AKasahara, Sophie MWheeler, Betty JAlexander Jr., E. Calvin2017-05-242017-05-242017-03-31 traces initiated on 07 Mar 2016. Report includes geologic and hydrogeologic background, site description, result figures including inferred groundwater flowpaths and two tables summarizing sampling points and the trace results in detail. A collaborative partnership between the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, University of Minnesota and the Olmsted County Feedlot Technician.endyetracingtracespringkarsthydrogeologyspringshedsinkholesinking streamdisappearing streamstream sinkgroundwaterconduit flowgalenaprosserordovicianlimestonebear creekSpringdale Dye Traces 2016 Olmsted County, MNReport