Taylor, Brian2015-09-082015-09-082012-03-30http://hdl.handle.net/11299/174315The LOC sequences attempted were as follows: 1. Roll Upset: Pilot rolls the aircraft to approximately 60 degrees bank angle at a low airspeed and power setting, simulating a roll disturbance (e.g. wake turbulence encounter). Pilot lets the pitch angle fall well below the horizon before initiating recovery inputs. Pilot applies inappropriate recovery inputs; in this case, gradual pull to full up elevator prior to leveling the wings. This results in an accelerated stall and LOC event. Variations on this maneuver was to use higher power settings. 2. Yaw Upset: Similar to the Roll Upset, except the pilot uses the rudder to initiate the disturbance. A variation on this maneuver was to hold a certain amount of rudder input in throughout the maneuver, simulating a stuck actuator. 3. Sustained Post-Stall Flight: Pilot enters a normal power-off stall, pulling the elevator to maximum nose up deflection and holds this input. Pilot attempts to maintain a wings level attitude. Software used was trunk/Software/FlightCode rev 792. Thor Flight 35 Onboard video (left wing),Rx data: A031, L010, F000, H000 The following is a breakdown of the timing of each LOC maneuver: [Start time, Stop Time], <Maneuver>, <Notes> 1. <180,208>, LOC3, 20% throttle. Roll oscillations, no departure. Video 0:38 2. <240,263>, LOC3, 0% throttle. Roll oscillations, no departure. Video 1:36 3. <300,326>, LOC3, 24% throttle. Roll oscillations, no departure 4. <360,387>, LOC3, 24% throttle. Roll oscillations, no departure 5. <411,437>, LOC3, 0% throttle. Roll oscillations, no departure 6. <465,490>, LOC3, 0% throttle. Roll oscillations, no departure 7. <520,550>, LOC3, 41% throttle. Roll oscillations, no departure 8. <587,626>, LOC3, 41% throttle. Roll oscillations, no departure 9. <666,700>, LOC3, 41% throttle. Roll oscillations, no departureen-USThor FlightACRC | | AnokaManualThor Flight 35Dataset