Li, BinAndersh, JonathanKong, ZhaodanMettler, Berenice2017-10-242017-10-242017-10-24 are organized by tasks, including calibration, hover, step, fitts, circle, guidance, and development. Each task folder includes `raw` (raw log files from motion and eye-tracking systems), `combined` (combining all sensor data), `segmented` (segmented as trials), and results from each step of processing. On top of task folders, there is a file `Listing of Flight Tests.csv' including the dates and tasks that have been performed. See the readme.txt file for more information.The flight experiments are conducted in the Interactive Guidance and Control Lab (IGCL) at the University of Minnesota. The data in the flight experiment are collected from human subjects maneuvering miniature rotorcrafts to accomplish a set of tasks. The datasets includes the rotorcraft motion data and operator head movements which are captured using captured using a Vicon motion tracking system (with six MX-40 cameras) sampled at 100Hz. They also include operator eye movements which are recorded using eye tracking glasses (ETG) from Senso-Motoric Instruments (SMI), sampled at 30Hz.CC0 1.0 Universal GuidanceHuman ControlHuman Perceptual FunctionInvestigation on Human Guidance and Control BehaviorDataset