Nielsen, LarsAhmed, FarzanaErickson, Andrew J.Gulliver, John S.2011-11-082011-11-082010-12 Cove is a planned development along the western shore of Lake Minnetonka, within the city of Minnetrista. The pollutant loads of solids and total and dissolved phosphorous from the development entering the lake are to be kept to a minimum in order to meet the requirements from the local regulatory agencies, and therefore the developer is designing a series of infiltration practices for storm water runoff. Within this project, a number of infiltration measurements were performed at several locations clustered at different sites in the area, to predict the efficiency of the planned practices. For this report, a ‘location’ is where an individual infiltration measurement was performed and a ‘site’ is a cluster of several infiltration measurements (locations). A high spatial variation in infiltration rate is normally observed, so a number of measurement locations were needed at each site to get a representative result. This report includes the results for the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil, K, measured at 16 different sites within the area. The results are presented in section 5.en-USInfiltrate Rate Assessment for Woodland CoveReport