Bransky, JacobCade, JacksonMargolis, JacobZiegler, Spencer2023-04-252023-04-252022 completed by students enrolled in PA 5232/CEGE 5212: Transportation Planning, Policy, and Deployment, taught by Frank Douma in Fall 2022.This project was completed as part of a partnership between the City of Edina and the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project ( Edina is committed to providing clean, abundant, equitable, and accessible transportation options to all who live, work, and travel through the community. Edina’s newly passed Climate Action Plan includes goals to reduce community-wide vehicle miles traveled by 7% by 2030, and increase battery electric vehicle utilization to 25% of community-wide rolling stock. The City is also committed to prioritizing low-income household transportation opportunities. Edina project lead Grace Hancock collaborated with a team of graduate students enrolled in Professor Frank Douma’s course, PA 5232/CEGE 5212: Transportation Planning, Policy, and Deployment, to review literature and case studies of electric car-sharing services in peer suburbs in Minnesota and elsewhere around the country and recommend best practices for implementing such a system in Edina. The students’ final report and PowerPoint presentation are available.enlocal governmentsustainabilityresiliencetransportationshared mobilitycar sharingelectric vehicleselectric carsResilient Communities Project, 2022-2023Feasibility of an Electric Car-Sharing Service in a Suburban Environment: Team Best PracticesPresentation