Schaeffer, ErinMiller, Loren MPinkerton, JeramyVenturelli, Paul A2019-09-232019-09-232019-09-23 data and microsatellite genotypes for 258 muskellunge, including 60 with acoustic tags, from the St. Louis River estuary of Lake Superior in a CSV spreadsheet file. Data include length, sex, strain classification and allele scores for 13 microsatellite loci.Sample data and microsatellite genotypes for 258 muskellunge, including 60 with acoustic tags, collected in 2017 from the St. Louis River estuary of Lake Superior. Genetic data were used to assign strain ancestry from two stocked sources (from Minnesota and Wisconsin). Ancestry, sex and length were used as variables when examining movement patterns using an acoustic receiver array in the estuary and Lake Superior.Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States tagsSaint Louis RivermovementsSample and genetic data: Muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) movement patterns and habitat use in the St. Louis River Estuary and southwestern Lake SuperiorDataset