Smith, Frederick W.2019-09-202019-09-201992M1102 1992 directory is a much expanded and more inclusive directory than Nonprofit Organizations of Color in Minnesota, published in 1991 by CURA. It includes all not-for-profit associations, organizations, mutual assistance and fraternal groups, religious organizations, and tribal governments. Entries are grouped according to cultural origins: African American/African, American Indian, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and multi-cultural. Address, phone number, and name of the director are included. Mailing label matrices are provided for each community of color.enAfrican AmericansAmerican IndiansBlackscommunitiescommunitydirectoriesethnicityHispanicsLatinosmailing listsMinnesotaminoritiesminorityNative Americansnonprofit organizationsraceracialSoutheast AsiansDirectory of Nonprofit Organizations of Color in Minnesota.Report