Keeler, BonnieBoiko, OlenaHohensee, TaylorNichols, RachelNiehoff, Erin2024-07-102024-07-102024-06 report was delivered to the Clean Water Council and the Minnesota Legislature in June 2024.This report aims to support strategic planning through the duration of the Clean Water Land and Legacy amendment. Our goal is to provide insights to the Council and legislature to help inform remaining years of the fund, prioritize future allocations, and suggest recommendations for more efficient and equitable management. To address these gaps, we aligned our research with the following three objectives: 1. Estimating ecosystem service benefits of clean water investments, 2. Reviewing integration of climate and equity consideration in watershed planning, and 3. Evaluating potential costs of achieving multiple water quality goals through the expiration of the Clean Water Fund. Work under each objective included review of primary and secondary literatures, spatial data analysis and modeling, review and analysis of watershed plans, and assessment and synthesis of agency and academic data and reports to distill key insights and recommendations relevant for clean water planning and management.en-USclean waterlegacy amendmentecosystem servicesequitywaterValuing state investments in clean water: An analysis of Minnesota’s Clean Water Fund through the lens of ecosystem services, equity, and climate changeReport