Meyer, Laura2021-02-222021-02-222020-12 of Minnesota M.S. thesis. December 2020. Major: Design. Advisor: Kristine Miller. 1 computer file (PDF); iii, 161 pages.The thesis you are about to read is an effort to reconsider the common urban sidewalk and rethink the way these objects are designed. As an ubiquitous element of our everyday infrastructure, sidewalks are often a taken for granted object in the landscape. But sidewalks are also an integral part of an extended network of urban systems.The purpose of this thesis is to look at ways to utilize and expand upon the typical design research process in order to gain a better understanding of the many systems that interact with the urban sidewalk network. This thesis is intended to expand the understanding of urban sidewalks within the discourse of design. This document can serve as a reference for others to use to design better sidewalks and for pursuing related research. Additionally, this thesis offers a methodology for positioning research as the primary purpose of a design project.endesign methodologylandscape architectureMinneapolissidewalksTwin Citiesurban sidewalksReconsidering the Slab: The Concrete Sidewalks of Minneapolis and Their Hidden LandscapesThesis or Dissertation