Groethe, JonEllis, Christopher R.Stefan, Heinz G.2011-08-292011-08-291988-10 and Dam No. 2 are located on the Mississippi River, 1.4 miles above Hastings, Minnesota, and 26 miles south of St. Paul, Minnesota. The structures are 815.2 river miles above the mouth of the Ohio River, 32.4 river miles below Locks and Dam No.1, and 17.3 river miles above Locks and Dam No.3. Locks and Dam No. 2 were put into operation in 1931 as part of the Army Corps of Engineers Mississippi River 9-foot channel navigation project. Today they consist of twenty 30 ft tainter gates and two locks on the southwest side of the river. The riverward lock is presently non-operational.en-USA Hydraulic Model Study of Navigation Improvement in the Upstream Approach to Locks and Dam No. 2, Mississippi RiverReport