University of Minnesota Duluth2023-06-072023-06-072021 document consists of a pdf version of UMD's Strategic Planning website, which was captured by the Wayback Machine on September 18, 2021. Based on website captures from other dates, the content in this pdf file was added to the Strategic Planning website between January 1, 2020, and June 18, 2021. As the "Goals and Initiatives" section on page 4 explains, "Based on campus input collected during 2017, UMD retained its six strategic focus areas originally developed as goals in 2011" (see the 2011 Strategic Plan: As the "Planning Processes" section on pages 11-12 explains, the process to update UMD's Strategic Plan began in Spring 2017 and continued through the 2020-2021 integration of it with the University of Minnesota Systemwide Strategic Plan (MPact 2025). This content is from after the integration with MPact 2025 was completed.enUniversity of Minnesota DuluthStrategic plansUniversity of Minnesota Duluth Strategic Plan (2021)Administrative Document