Workman, JohnThe Mayer Downtown Design Steering Committee2019-06-122019-06-122008 City of Mayer has recently widened and made streetscape improvements to Highway 25, the business corridor that runs through the city's old downtown. Graduate students in landscape architecture and urban and regional planning worked with a citizen advisory group to craft design standards for the businesses along this corridor. The project produced this design manual for the city to use to guide future development and redevelopment projects in the downtown area. The design standards were instrumental in the City of Mayer successfully applying for and receiving a Small Communities Grant from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development earlier this year. The city will use the grant to redevelop and revitalize its downtown area as the commercial and cultural center of the community.enArchitectureCommunity Growth Options (U-CGO)Community Growth Planning Assistance Center (CGPAC)Design GuidelinesDowntownLand UseLocal GovernmentsPlanningRevitalizationMayer Minnesota--A Rising Community: Downtown Design GuidelinesReport