University of Minnesota: Senate Consultative Committee2011-04-252011-04-251985-10-03 Reports: DISCUSSION WITH THE PRESIDENT October 3, 1985 12:15 - 3:00 Regents' Room, Morrill Hall AGENDA A. Student Chair (Mr. Pratt) - Governance structure issue (see letter sent separately) ; B. Chair (Professor Stuthman) - Nov. 18 equal opportunity and affirmative action workshop; - Preparing to make recommendation to Senate & Assembly re Civil Service experiment; C. Senate Finance Committee (Professor Merwin); D. Regents' meetings (Professors Hamilton, Merwin, Stuthman, others); E. Pre-Accreditation Site Visit Self-Study Committee (Professor Rubenstein) . 2. Senate Library Committee's concerns and agenda: Guest: Professor Brian Job, SLC Chair. (Enclosures: Sept. 12 memorandum outlining SLC's agenda for the year, and - to SSCC - excerpt from Sept. 5 FCC minutes); 3. Discussion with President Keller: A. Search Committee for Academic Vice President and Provost; B. Establishing a University child care task force (Enclosure: July 29 letter to President Keller from rep-esentatives of ad hoc committee); c. Commitment to Focus; SCC's role in monitoring progress; D. Orientation of new Senate/Assembly members.en-USsenateMinutes: Senate Consultative Committee: October 3, 1985Minutes