Tanner, Jessie CBee, Mark A2020-03-092020-03-092020-03-09https://hdl.handle.net/11299/212011The single data file contains the entire dataset in "long" format (i.e., there are multiple row entries related to each test subject).Data from a series of phonotaxis tests used to investigate the effects of within-individual variation (inconsistency) in male signals and ambient chorus noise on female mating decisions in Cope's gray treefrog. This dataset is among only a few generated to examine the effects of within-individual variation in signal production on animal communication. The data are now being released in support of a publication describing our findings.Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United Statesgray treefrogacoustic communicationphonotaxismate choicenoisebehavioral ecologyData for: Inconsistent sexual signaling degrades optimal mating decisions in animalsDatasethttps://doi.org/10.13020/d8f8-qh03