Harvey, PatriciaMaruyama, Geoffrey2007-07-102007-07-102005-12-12https://hdl.handle.net/11299/163The documents (executive summary and preliminary report) examine if, why, and how the University should be involved in preschool, elementary and secondary education in the state of Minnesota.The University has not been and cannot afford to be passive observers of preK-12 education. Engagement with preK-12 touches all parts of the University. Within Minnesota, the University of Minnesota uniquely possesses the capacity to generate ongoing and systemic research that will improve the lives of all Minnesotans. This capacity is particularly critical in preK-12 education, where separating what is believed from what is known through research is critical for the success of education. The University has a history of extensive engagement with preK-12 schools, but successes have been limited by the way the engagements have been structured, largely as individual initiatives rather than as an ordered and integrated array of activities. The task force recommendations attempt to frame and organize efforts without limiting faculty in their attempts to create relationships that reflect their research interests.en-USpreschoolelementarysecondarypreppreparationTransforming the University: Recommendations of the PreK-12 Strategy Task ForceReport