Jacobs, Lawrence2018-10-082018-10-082003-12-15https://hdl.handle.net/11299/200534Ralph Nader has opened up a Pandora's Box. Although his left of center candidacy poses the most immediate threat to the Democratic Party, it may encourage a third party challenge to the right of center that ends up draining votes from the President Bush's reelection campaign. Nader's threat to democrats State wide elections in 2002 show that a re-run of the Democratic debacle in 2000 is a real possibility. In 2000, Gore narrowly won in Iowa, New Mexico, Oregon, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Results in 2002 statewide elections show significant support for candidates running for the Green Party and often back by Nader. In three states where the Green Party was particularly successful, its strength in 2002 either increased or stayed level with its 2000 returns. In New Mexico their vote increased by an amount significantly larger than Gore's margin of victory.enHow Nader's Campaign May Hurt Bush's ReelectionReport