Jennings, Carrie E.2010-12-172010-12-172010 draft map accompanying this report is provided for the purposes of visualization of the extent of the units sampled and to convey the broad distribution of glacial sediment and landform associations. It should not be construed as a final, detailed map consistent with MGS publication standards because it represents only the initial steps of surficial map creation followed by reconnaissance-level field-checking.This map subdivides the surface into glacial geologic units based on geomorphology, texture and geologic origin. It includes a map legend, data points and links to sample data and photos taken during field work. An attribute table contains all relevant textural data. A summary of methods and interpretations is included in the accompanying report.enLe SeurMinnesotasurficial geologywatershedOFR10-03, Geomorphology and Reconnaissance Surficial Geology of the Le Sueur River WatershedMap