Tomlinson, CarissaArnold-Garza, Sara2022-06-272022-06-272022-07Carissa Tomlinson & Sara Arnold-Garza (2022) "Library Employment Practices That Support Student Engagement." portal: Libraries and the Academy, Vol. 22, No. 3 (2022), pp. 571–594 libraries have long employed students in roles vital to running a library, such as checking books in and out, shelving, and answering basic patron questions. More recently, academic libraries have also sought ways to demonstrate value and align with campus priorities, such as student engagement. This study uses interviews with library employers and the engagement indicators from the National Survey of Student Engagement as a framework for identifying a range of student employment responsibilities and program components that support campus engagement goals and enrich the work experience for students.enLibrary Employment Practices that Support Student EngagementArticle