Subba, Meghna2020-07-222020-07-222020 resource is meant as a guide for an artist-led process that uses deep community involvement to reimagine a meaningful future for available space in small towns and rural communities. It is a collaboration between the Department of Public Transformation, Southwest Minnesota Housing Partnership, Homeboat, the Community Assistantship Program at University of Minnesota’s Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA - CAP), and University of Minnesota Extension’s Southwest Regional Sustainable Development Partnership (SWRSDP), along with a vital network of local, regional, and national artists. This resource guide was developed by the Department of Public Transformation and compiled and designed by Meghna Subba at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, with text contributed by Lauren Carlson. Research and contributions by Felicia Galvin and Zoua Vou through the Regional Development Partnership and the Center for Small Towns.enSouthwestResilient CommunitiesCreative Community Development: A Resource Guide for Artist-led Development of Vacant Spaces in Southwest MNReport