Rusch, Hannah LGarcia y Garcia, AxelCoulter, Jeffrey AJohnson, Gregg AGrossman, Julie MPorter, Paul M2019-07-172019-07-172019-07-17 data is saved as .csv files and can be viewed in Microsoft Excel workbook and/or R statistical software. The data was collected at field and entered into master files, from which the data to create the .csv files was taken.Six cover crop treatments were interseeded into maize at two distinct timings: at the four to six-leaf collar stage and at physiological maturity. The canopy cover and biomass of cover crops, soil moisture at planting maize, and maize biomass and yield were evaluated to determine the potential impacts of interseeded cover crops on maize productivity.Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States ryeAnnual ryegrassCrimson cloverForage radishCanopy coverBiomassYieldData and R code: Towards sustainable maize production in the U.S. upper Midwest with interseeded cover cropsDataset