Arendale, David2020-03-202020-03-202020-03Arendale, D. R. (2020). [Video, 40:00]. Common elements among major peer learning programs. video identifies the common elements, purposes, student challenges, and design features shared among the major postsecondary peer learning programs that operate on college campuses throughout the world. These programs include Emerging Scholars Program, Peer-led Team Learning, Peer Assisted Learning Program, Structured Learning Assistance, Supplemental Instruction (also known as PASS and other names), and Video-based Supplemental Instruction.enbest practicesDavid Arendalelearning assistancepeer learning groupsgroup tutoringstuldy group programscooperative learningcollaborative learningEmerging Scholars ProgramPeer-led Team LearningStructured Learning AssistanceSupplemental InstructionVideo-based Supplemental InstructionCommon Elements among Major Peer Learning Programs [Video, 40:00]Video or Animation