Canning, Richard G.2011-06-082011-06-082002-08-23Richard Canning, OH 338. Oral history interview by Jeffrey Yost, 23 August 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 338, 47 pp.In this oral history Richard Canning begins by discussing his work at IBM on computer reliability, and his research and publishing in the field of operations research. The majority of the interview focuses on his role as an early data processing management consultant in the 1950s and early 1960s, and his founding, and leadership on EDP Analyzer, an influential publication offering guidance to corporate data processing managers.en-USComputer historyInternational Business Machines Corporation.EDP analyzerData processing digestComputers -- ReliabilityComputer software industryCanning, Sisson and AssociatesOperations researchOral history interview with Richard CanningOral History