Finnegan, JohnKathleen Call2023-10-192023-10-192009-05-20 1:30 minutesThis resource is provided for informational purposes only and may not reflect current scientific knowledge or medical recommendations.Welcome to Public Health Moment from the University of Minnesota. Overall, Minnesota ranks highly for the percentage of residents with health insurance. But Kathleen Call, a professor and health policy expert at the University of Minnesota, says that when one looks closer, you see great disparity. <clip: “But as soon as you start to look…and for Latinos it’s about 19 percent.”> Call says that providing health care access to the uninsured will actually save money in the long term. <clip: “So anybody who doesn’t have insurance…it costs the system much less.”> With another Public Health Moment, I’m John Finnegan.enDisparities in health insuranceAudio