Hudson, Erin2024-09-262024-09-262024-09-25 Advisor: Dr. Donna Whitney Co-Advisor: Sara Hanel Lab: Structure, Tectonics, and Metamorphic Petrology (STAMP) LabThis project focuses on lawsonite (CaAl2(Si2O7)(OH)2*H2O), a hydrous (about 11.5% H2O) silicate mineral that forms in high-pressure, low-temperature subduction zones, and how its ability to record elemental composition changes during subduction zone metamorphism is reflected in grain color variations in hand sample, with a focus on pink and white-blue lawsonite from Reed Station on the Tiburon Peninsula in the Franciscan Complex in California, U.S.A.en-USLawsoniteElement ZoningSubduction ZonesLawsonite Composition and Zoning as Related to Grain Color in Hand SamplePresentation