Lovell, Erin2019-06-122019-06-122009 Township appointed a Parks, Trails, and Open Space (PTOS) Committee in 2007, charged with conducting a trail study and drafting a trail plan. The plan focused primarily on alignments along county road right-of-ways, and was not embraced by the public or ultimately approved by the township board. A graduate student in landscape architecture conducted a mail survey of residents in the community to identify attitudes toward and priorities for trails in the community, and proposed a revised plan that maximizes connectivity between established neighborhoods in the township, creates connections with neighboring communities, provides safe routes for trails users, offers recreational and transportation opportunities for residents, and anticipates future growth and development in the community. Project partners included the Scott County Parks and Trails and Community Development departments. The Louisville Township PTOS Committee will use the report to revise the trails plan and prioritize segments of the trail for land acquisition and implementation.enCommunity Growth Options (U-CGO)Community Growth Planning Assistance Center (CGPAC)Land UseLocal GovernmentsPlanningRecreationTrailsLouisville Township Community Trails Plan and Development ProjectReport