Marr, JeffWilcock, PeterHondzo, MikiFoufoula-Georgiou, EfiJohnson, SarahHill, CraigLeonardson, RebeccaNelson, PeterVenditti, JeremyO'Connor, BenEllis, Christopher R.Mullin, JamesJefferson, AnneClark, Jeff2013-02-072013-02-072010-11 report summarizes the StreamLab06 experimental research program conducted in the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory (SAFL) Main Channel facility from April through October 2006. The experiments were funded through the National Center for Earth-surface Dynamics and involved a host of researchers, graduate students, visitors, and undergraduate students. The experiments were organized into seven phases of work. The first two phases of the project involved testing of conventional and surrogate bedload monitoring technologies (Marr et. al. 2007). The last five phases involved interdisciplinary research of sediment transport and ecohydraulics. This report focuses on the later phases of the project and does not include the bedload monitoring technologies. This report contains information on the organization of the experiments, the methodologies and protocols used to collect data, the types of data collected, data structure and format, and information on data storage and access.en-USStreamLab06: Overview of Experiments, Instrumentation, and Data collectionReport