Center for Transportation Studies2015-03-242015-03-242003-02 include: Policy & Planning, U economist says Minnesota receives high rate of return on transportation investment, "Genetic code of sprawl" encourages suburban-style development, researcher says, Researchers examine road financing alternatives, Intelligent Transportation Systems, University's "intelligent vehicles" to be featured at ITS America meeting, Using machine vision to improve intersection safety, Ramp meters on trial, Simulation system to aid in scheduling snowplows, Transit & Alternative Modes, Bus Rapid Transit Lane Assist Technology Systems National Transit News, TCRP research publications available online Research problem statements solicitation, Transportation Infrastructure, Pavement Research Institute established, University seeks director of Pavement Research Institute, Civil Engineering hires pavement professor, Low-volume road research report published, Improving asphalt could pave the way to cost savings, U researcher saysenTransportationCTS Research E-News (February 2003)Newsletter or Bulletin