Sagor, Eli SRussell, Matthew B2023-07-132023-07-132016 October 2016, the Sustainable Forests Education Program and University of Minnesota Extension Forestry team gathered responses to an educational program needs assessment survey. The purpose of the survey was to elicit feedback from our target audiences about topics of greatest interest to them for future educational offerings. We received 178 usable responses, about 53% from professional natural resource managers, 34% from woodland owners, and 13% from master volunteers or others. The most popular broad topics were "Silviculture and Forest Management," "Forest Health and Invasives," and "Forest-dependent Wildlife." For each broad topic, respondents ranked subtopics of interest. One-day workshops and webinars were the most popular formats for new continuing education programming addressing these topics.enExtensionSFECcontinuing educationprivate woodlandsforestrySustainable Forests Education Cooperative 2016 Needs AssessmentReport