Arendale, David R.2018-09-262018-09-261998Arendale, D. R. (1998). Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of learning for first year students through Supplemental Instruction. In J. L. Higbee, & P. L. Dwinell (Eds.), Developmental education and its role in preparing successful college students (pp. 185-197). Monograph Series No. 24. Columbia, SC: National Association for Developmental Education and National Center for the Study of the First Year Experience and Students in Transition. Available online: ERIC database. (ED423794). educators have a historic opportunity to reinvent themselves as resources for the entire campus -- students and faculty alike -- in partnering with the new enriched learning environment. The learning process must be expanded beyond the traditional classroom walls. Additional partners must be added to the learning environment. The Supplemental Instruction (SI) program serves as a catalyst for an improved and effective learning environment. SI is flexible to meet the learning needs of students and compliment an enriched learning environment managed by the classroom professor. Through its use, the efficiency and effectiveness of learning can be improved.encollege studentslearning assistancefirst-year studentsstudent achievementhigher and postsecondary educationpeer assisted learningpostsecondary peer cooperative learning groupsprogram evaluationdevelopmental educationacademic accessSupplemental Instructionacademic interventionsstudent retention and persistence rateseducational theory and practiceIncreasing the efficiency and effectiveness of learning for first year students through Supplemental InstructionBook chapter