Olson, Kathleen2018-07-182018-07-182015https://hdl.handle.net/11299/198197This report summarizes the evaluation of the workshop, “Liderando con Participación e Inclusión” (Leading with Participation and Inclusion), presented as part of the Partnering for School Success CYFAR project. This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu.Partnering for School Success (PSS) is based on a model which recognizes that multiple factors in the family and community impact student success in school. PSS CYFAR* (Children, Youth and Families at Risk) is a partnership of University of Minnesota Extension, Triton (Dodge Center), and Faribault Middle Schools focusing on two of the major factors related to academic achievement for Latino families – family and school environments. This report summarizes the evaluation of the workshop, “Liderando con Participación e Inclusión” (Leading with Participation and Inclusion).enfamily resiliencySoutheast Minnesotaschool successPartnering for School SuccessCYFARLatinoparent educationLeading with Participation and Inclusion: End of Workshop EvaluationReport