Conway, TriciaHagen, AnnHill, AndrewMullan, CaitrinTodd, Jeremy2007-12-182007-12-182007 online resources (PDF files): Final report, Poster presentation, Project summaryBased on focus group and interview results, it is clear UMR currently lacks a cohesive identity. The essence and elements are present—a non-traditional institution with multifaceted partnerships, concentrated expertise in the biomedical and technology fields, targeted opportunities that will impact Minnesota and resonate with citizens, community engagement, and cutting-edge research—but UMR needs to crystallize these elements into a whole. The slate is relatively clean when this is coupled with ample room for building awareness and familiarity for UMR’s existence, programs, and purpose. As a result, UMR is in a unique position to create the identity it envisions for its future.en-USeducationPositioning Rochester: Identifying Elements That Will Influence and Impact the Positioning of the University of Minnesota-Rochester and Southeastern MinnesotaReport