Morris, Nichole LSchwieters, Katelyn RTian, DisiCraig, Curtis M2024-01-082024-01-082024-01-08 file containing study data; CSV file containing data dictionary; ZIP file with PNG files of participant visualizations. Note: This dataset is presented in long form. So, it repeats the J-turn attitude scores (pre_good; pre_willing; pre_community, pre_att_sum, post_good, post_willing, post_community, post_att_sum, att_change) and other demographic variables (age, gender (1F, 2M), city) across the three drives. Analyses of these variables should be collapsed so that the duplicate values are not included in analyses. Data contains only one drive for Participant 8 and participant 53, and two drives for Participant 65 and Participant 77.Thirty-six participants with limited previous experience and knowledge of J-turn intersections participated in a simulation study to examine their acceptance of J-turns and left turning navigational performance at three simulated J-turn intersections in counterbalanced order, each featuring one of three signage levels (minimum, intermediate, and full). Participants navigational path was visualized and scored for error occurrence by 3 raters/coders. Eleven different error types occurred and they were classified as minor, moderate, or major severity errors. Participants provided demographic information, crash history, and acceptance of J-turn intersections (across three scales) before and after driving through the simulated J-turn intersections. The data has been deidentified and is available to provide a better understanding of common errors from drivers who are experiencing J-turn intersections for the first time and the resultant influence that their error experiences have on their acceptance of the novel intersection design.CC0 1.0 Universal performanceJ-turnRCUTSimulationErrorsAcceptanceCrashRiskSignageHuman factorsroadway safetyintersectionruralSimulated driver performance, error, and acceptance study of a J-turn intersection with 3 levels of signageDataset